共用部分を無断で改造した区分所有者に他の区分所有者が原状回復を求めた訴訟において、原告には損害がないとして棄却された事例[高知地裁平成21.8.6判決] ([日本マンション学会]名古屋大会特集号) -- (第4分科会 最近のマンション紛争と裁判)
論文 | ランダム
- Dangerous QT Prolongation Can be Assayed with Two Types of In Vivo Models ; Halothane-Anesthetized Dog and Chronic Atrioventricular Block Dog(Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Basic/Clinical 1 (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation
- The Antipsychotic and Antiemetic Drug Prochlorperazine Delays the Ventricular Repolarization of the In Situ Canine Heart
- Electropharmacological Effects of a Spironolactone Derivative, Potassium Canrenoate, Assessed in the Halothane-Anesthetized Canine Model
- Cardiovascular Effects of an L/N-type Ca^ Channel Blocker Cilnidipine Assessed in the Chronic Atrioventricular Conduction Block Dogs
- PE-353 Mexiletine Decreased the Ventricular Electrical Vulnerability in the Canine Model of Sparfloxacin-Induced Long QT Syndrome(Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Basic/Clinical 3 (H) : PE60)(Poster Session (English))