法務省 通達・回答 戸籍関係 カンボジア王国人男と日本人女との創設的婚姻届に添付されたカンボジア王国人男の独身証明書を婚姻要件具備証明書として取り扱って差し支えないとされた事例
論文 | ランダム
- Occurrence of Pennisetum polystachion ssp. setosum on the roadside verges and in some plantation crops of southern Thailand
- Studies on the Molecular Compound of Organic Medicinals.III. The Structure of the Molecular Compound of Sulfanilamide and Sulfathiazole
- Studies on the Molecular Compounds of Organic Medicinals. II. Application of the Solubility Product Principle and Consideration by the Phase Rule to the Solubility Phenomena of the Molecular Compound of Sulfanilamide and Sulfathiazole
- Studies on the Molecular Compounds of Organic Medicinals. I. Dissolution Behavior of the Molecular Compounds of Sulfanilamide and Sulfathiazole
- Studies on the Method of Thermal Analysis of Organic Medicinals. IV. Double Melting Point of Organic Binary Mixtures.