論文 | ランダム
- Tannins and Related Compounds. CVI. Preparation of Aminoalditol Derivatives of Hydrolyzable Tannins Having α-and β-Glucopyranose Cores, and Its Application to the Structure Elucidation of New Tannins, Reginins A and B and Flosin A, Isolated from Lagerstro
- Tannins and Related Compounds. CVI. Preparation of Aminoalditol Derivatives of Hydrolyzable Tannins Having α-and β-Glucopyranose Cores, and Its Application to the Structure Elucidation of New Tannins, Reginins A and B and Flosin A, Isolated from Lagerstro
- 生体時計を基盤とする循環動態調節機構の解明
- 脳血管障害片麻痺患者の自転車エルゴメータによるトレーニングが運動負荷時酸素摂取応答と運動耐容能に与える影響
- 脳血管障害片麻痺患者の理学療法が運動負荷時酸素摂取応答と運動効率に与える影響