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Many language teachers develop and use their own materials within the classroom, with great success. These teachers often express a desire to have their ideas published as textbooks, but find that the publishing industry is difficult to access or that the selection process for new textbooks by publishing houses is somewhat vague and unknown. Using as a basis his own experience in having a textbook published, the author details the process of approaching a publishing company, having a proposal accepted and the work that follows until and after publication. Furthermore, the author offers thoughts on how to have more chance of success when approaching various publishing houses, based on personal reflection and comments made by those working within the publishing industry. The aim is that this may serve as a useful account for any teachers keen to have their work commercially published, and thereby increase the amount of quality language teaching materials available in the commercial market.独自の教材を作成し、教室現場で活用している先生方は多いと思います。しかしその先生方のには自分の工夫したアイディアを教科書として活かしたいと思う反面、なかなか出版社に近づきにくかったり、出版社内の新教科書出版の経過が不透明で分かりにくいと思われるのも多いでしょう。本著は教科書出版を通して著者の経験、出版社とのコンタクトのとり方、企画書としての教科書が出版社より受理され、出版されるまでとその後の作業などを記したものである。加えて著者自身の体験と出版編集者などから得たアドバイスを基に、様々な出版社との接触に成功する秘訣を提供している。本著の主な目的は、教科書の著書を考えている現場の先生方に利益のある情報を提供し、それにより外国語教授に関する教科書教材の質の向上を促すことにある。
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