論文 | ランダム
- 林 淳著, 『近世陰陽道の研究』, 吉川弘文館, 二〇〇五年一二月一日刊, A5判, 一四+四〇〇+八頁, 一二〇〇〇円+税
- 抗結核剤の副作用について : 化療方式別にみた副作用の比較
- 492 Ultrastructural studies of the interaction between epithelial and stromal cells in the human endometrium.
- 356 Ultrastructural studies on the basement membrane and the stroma in atypical hyperplasia (ATH) and well-differentiated carcinoma (G1) of the endometrium.
- 307 An immunohistochemical and electron microscopic study on the case of embryonal carcinoma with high level of serum α-fetoprotein.