世界標準の薬が使われない ガン治療で「我流」横行 無用の痛みで苦しむ日本人 (「クスリ」大解明!-知らずに飲んでる?) -- (遅すぎる新薬審査、多すぎるMR、ジェネリックが使われない理由…… ここが問題! 日本のクスリの七不思議)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-07-19
論文 | ランダム
- A Study on Low Compression Ratio Diesel Engines : 5th Report, Effect of Intake Air Temperature on Burning Rate and Engine Performances
- Studies on Low Compression Ratio Diesel Engine : 4th Report, Effects of Auxiliary Injection
- Studies on Low Compression Ratio Diesel Engine : 2nd Report, Effects of Combustion Chamber Configuration in Direct Injection Type Diesel Engine
- Studies on the Low Compression Ratio Diesel Engine : 1st Report, The Problems Arising from Low Compression Ratio
- A Study on the Determination of Odor Recognition Threshold Values of n- and iso-Amyl(Pentyl)Acetates Using Tedlar Bag Static Methods (Proceedings of Asianalysis 4--The Fourth Asian Conference on Analytical Sciences)