The gravity-regulated growth of axillary buds is mediated by a mechanism different from decapitation-induced release
- 18.キュウリ芽生えの重力形態形成に伴うCsPIN1の局在変動とIAA動態変化の解析(口頭発表)
- 53.水分屈性制御遺伝子MIZ1は光あるいはABAに依存した水分屈性を制御する(口頭発表)
- トマトにおけるオーキシン排出キャリアPINファミリーの解析
- 33.コムギの深播き耐性機構 : ジベレリンによる第一節間伸長促進に必要な表皮の細胞伸長と皮層の細胞増殖(口頭発表)
- 79.キュウリの芽ばえのペグ形成領域で発現するPINオーキシン排出キャリア相同遺伝子の同定と局在解析(口頭発表)
- The effect of adding rituximab to CHOP-based therapy on clinical outcomes for Japanese patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma : a propensity score matching analysis
- 5.キュウリ芽ばえの重力形態形成におけるオーキシン抑制遺伝子の発現解析(口頭発表)
- 78.キュウリ芽生えの重力形態形成に伴うIAA動態変化の解析(口頭発表)
- 6.重力刺激および摘心処理による腋芽伸長の誘導機構の比較解析(口頭発表)
- 4.キュウリ根の水分屈性におけるオーキシン動態制御機構の解析(口頭発表)
- キュウリ根の水分屈性におけるオーキシンとオーキシン排出キャリアの役割
- Use of micafungin versus fluconazole for antifungal prophylaxis in neutropenic patients receiving hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
- Development of experimental system for isolating novel Arabidopsis mutants of root gravitropism
- Effects of Locally Targeted Heavy-ion and Laser Microbeam on Root Hydrotropism in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Analyses of genes whose transcript levels are regulated during root hydrotropic response in Arabidopsis
- Characterization of Arabidopsis root hydrotropic mutant, miz4
- p-Chlorophenoxyisobutyric acidはキュウリの芽ばえの重力に応答したペグ形成のためのオーキシン応答を阻害する
- Characteristics of cell division and cell elongation that confer deep-seeding tolerance in wheat cultivar Hong Mang Mai
- Differential accumulation of CsARF5 protein during gravity-regulated morphogenesis of cucumber seedlings
- Identification of the cDNA of differentially expressed genes in the transition zone of cucumber seedlings by fluorescent differential display
- The gravity-regulated growth of axillary buds is mediated by a mechanism different from decapitation-induced release
- The effect of light on the gravimorphogenesis of cucumber seedlings
- The Gravity-Regulated Growth of Axillary Buds is Mediated by a Mechanism Different from Decapitation-Induced Release
- Differential Accumulation of CsARF5 Protein during Peg Formation in Cucumber Seedlings
- ウリ科植物の花の性分化のエチレン制御と遺伝モデル
- Histological and immunohistochemical features of gingival enlargement in a patient with AML
- 8. イネ幼根の水分屈性の発現に及ぼすオーキシン関連阻害剤処理の影響(口頭発表,植物化学調節学会第48回大会)
- 9. シロイヌナズナ根におけるグルタミン酸による水分屈性の発現制御(口頭発表,植物化学調節学会第48回大会)