昨日の私、今日の私、明日の私--リタリンで垣間見た〈脈絡ある自分〉 (特集=ニューロエシックス--脳改造の新時代)
論文 | ランダム
- Distribution volume as an alternative to the binding potential for sigma_1 receptor imaging
- Evaluation of tumor growth in vivo in a rat model of liver metastasis, using a newly devised index obtained by positron emission tomography with [18F] FDG
- A feasibility study of [^C]SA4503-PET for evaluating sigma_1 receptor occupancy by neuroleptics : the binding of haloperidol to sigma_1 and dopamine D_2-like receptors
- 胃のdiffuse large B-cell lymphomaを合併したT-cell prolyphocytic leukemia
- Tumor viability evaluation by positron emission tomography with [^F]FDG in the liver metastasis rat model