小西真奈美「母子家庭、家賃5000円の市営住宅から羽ばたいた美少女」 (癒しのワイド特集 いまどき泣ける 続 ちょっといい話)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-04-05
論文 | ランダム
- Molecular basis of human 46X, Y sex reversal revealed from the three-dimensional solution structure of the human SRY-DNA complex
- An FGF receptor signaling pathway is required for the normal cell migrations of the sex myoblasts in C. elegans hermaphrodites
- Flow sorting of the Y sex chromosome in the dioecious plant Melandrium album
- Consequences of son preference in a low-fertility society : Imbalance of the sex ratio at birth in Korea
- Are daughters more costly to produce for Japanese macaques mothers? : Sex of the offspring and subsequent interbirth intervals