Dr.サトーがアドバイス! 療養指導おなやみ解決塾(新連載・Vol.1)SMBG値の虚偽あれば、患者さんのよいところを認めてほめ、負の感情は傾聴して共有すべし。
論文 | ランダム
- Surface Characterization of Glassy Carbon Electrodes Anodized in 1-Alkanols by Their Wettability and Capacitance
- Amperometric Detection of Alcohols and Carbohydrates Coupled with Their Electrocatalytic Oxidation by 2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidinyl-1-oxy (TEMPO)
- Indirect Detection of Alkaline Earth Ions by the Voltammetric Response of Ferricyanide Anion at a Glassy Carbon Electrode Anodized in 1-Octanol
- Voltammetric Behaviors of Dopamine and Ascorbic Acid at a Glassy Carbon Electrode Anodized in 1, ω-Alkanediol
- ドイツリアリズムの一考察--ケラーと「緑のハインリヒ」