特別座談会 佐藤雄平[福島県]知事と4市商工会議所会頭 2008年地域間格差解消には明確な戦略が必要だ--官民上げて福島の魅力を宣伝。企業と交流人口増加が地域経済再生のカギになる
論文 | ランダム
- EMG activity of the orbicularis oris and mentalis muscles in children with malocclusion, incompetent lips and atypical swallowing-PartII-
- Functional reconstruction using a depressor oris musculocutaneous flap for large lower lip defects, especially for elderly patients
- Vertical suture plication of the orbicularis oris muscle : a simple procedure for the correction of unilateral marginal mandibular nerve paralysis
- Aplasia of the depressor anguli oris muscle : a rare cause of congenital lower lip palsy?
- EMG activity of the orbicularis oris and mentalis muscles in children with malocclusion, incompetent lips and atypical swallowing-Part I