急性腎不全における近位尿細管修復過程と再生 (あゆみ 腎の再生医学) -- (腎再生における幹細胞の探索)
- ネフローゼ症候群 (特集 内科疾患の診断基準・病型分類・重症度) -- (腎臓)
- 臨床腎臓病学
- 脳圧亢進と中枢性Na利尿の関連が示唆された脳膿瘍の1例
- 目でみる症例 急速進行性腎炎(RPGN)
- Clinicopathologic findings relevant to disappearance or relapse of proteinuria following corticosteroid treatment in IgA nephropathy patients with proteinuria of 0.5 to 2.0g/day
- Longterm complete remission of AL-amyloid-related nephrotic syndrome
- Rapid deterioration of renal function in a patient with multiple myeloma associated with amyloid and light chain depositions
- 腎・泌尿器疾患
- 急性腎不全 (腎臓病のすべて) -- (腎臓の病気)
- High dose Chemotherapy and Stem Cell Support in a Patient of Light- and Heavy-chain Deposition Disease with Abnormal Marrow Cell Surface Antigens and No Monoclonal protein
- IgA腎症と膜性腎症合併の1症例
- Siblings with Alport's syndrome showing unique staining patterns for α5(IV) and α6(IV) chains of collagen type IV
- A Patient with Sarcoidosis Presenting with Acute Renal Failure : Implication for Granulomatous Interstitial Nephritis and Hypercalcemia
- グラフ 日常臨床における知っておきたい腎生検の適応
- 目でみる症例 腎アミロイドーシス
- Cisplatin induces Sirt1 in association with histone deacetylation and increased Werner syndrome protein in the kidney
- 心不全に合併した腎前性高窒素血症 (輸液療法パーフェクト) -- (Advanced Lecture 専門医を悩ます諭液症例)
- 急性腎不全における近位尿細管修復過程と再生 (あゆみ 腎の再生医学) -- (腎再生における幹細胞の探索)
- AKIにおける遺伝子治療の可能性 (特集 急性腎障害(AKI) : 概念の確認から,さらなる予後改善を目指して) -- (先進的治療)
- Acquired resistance to rechallenge injury in rats that recovered from mild renal damage induced by uranyl acetate : accelerated proliferation and hepatocyte growth factor/c-Met axis