特養での看護:リスクマネジメントの観点から 特養は看護職員が実力を発揮できるやりがいのある職場 (特集 特別養護老人ホームにおける"看護"--尊厳ある生活を支えるために)
論文 | ランダム
- 遊離連合皮弁の使用経験とその分類
- Validity of Using Tuberculin Skin Test Erythema Measurement for Contact Investigation during a Tuberculosis Outbreak in Schoolchildren Previously Vaccinated with BCG
- Clinical Characteristics Differentiating Bacteriologically Positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients from Negative Ones in Mongolia
- Differing Influence on Delays in the Case-Finding Process for Tuberculosis Between General Physicians and Specialists in Mongolia
- A follow-up study of preventive effects on low backpain at worksites by providing a participatory occupational safety and health program