Variation in Cutoff Effect and Sound Field Caused by Geometrical Structures near the Coast
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Published by the Japan Society of Applied Physics through the Institute of Pure and Applied Physicsの論文
Iwase Ryoichi
Jamstec (japan Agency For Marine-earth Science And Technology)
Kikuchi Toshiaki
National Defense Academy
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
- Sound beam scanning in sediment layer using phase conjugated pseudo sound source
- Variation in Cutoff Effect and Sound Field Caused by Geometrical Structures near the Coast
- Variation in Cutoff Effect and Sound Field Caused by Geometrical Structures near the Coast
- Association between Phase Modulation and Waveform on Phase Information Transmission by Phase Conjugate Wave (Special Issue: Ultrasonic Electronics)
- 音速プロファイルの等音速分割による固有音線の産出
- Effects of Source Pulse Shape on Low-Frequency-Sound Propagation
- Search for Objects on the Deep-Sea Floor Using Side Scan Sonar with a Tilted Arrangement Transducer Array
- Sea Trial Results of a Cross Fan Beam Type Sub-Bottom Profiler
- Evaluation of the Performance of Deep Sea Survey Sonars from the Results of Search for a Sunken Ship
- Focal depth shifting of phase-conjugate wave in pekeris waveguide (Special issue: Ultrasonic electronics)
- Focal Depth Shifting of Phase-Conjugate Wave in Pekeris Waveguide
- Search for Objects on the Deep-Sea Floor Using Side Scan Sonar with a Tilted Arrangement Transducer Array
- Effects of Source Pulse Shape on Low-Frequency-Sound Propagation
- Range Step Size Analysis of Parabolic Equation Method in Megarange Propagation
- Variation in Cutoff Effect and Sound Field Caused by Geometrical Structures near the Coast
- Association between Phase Modulation and Waveform on Phase Information Transmission by Phase Conjugate Wave