第一部 世界編(インド・スリランカ・チベット・中国・朝鮮)--釈尊/弟子/女性/外護者/在家者/外道/仙人/論師/訳経僧/法相/華厳/天台/真言/浄土/禅僧 ほか (特集 仏教人物事典《保存版》)
論文 | ランダム
- The Stability of the High-β Plasma in the TBS-Field about the Cusp-Axis
- Confinement of Plasma by Means of T. B. S. Type Magnetic Field
- Supersymmetric Completion of an R^2 Term in Five-Dimensional Supergravity(Particles and Fields)
- Plasma Confined in the Minimum B Induced by Single Loop Current
- S12-1-3 Recent topics of dermatoallergy in Korea(Part-1 "Prospect of allergy in Asia & Oceania",Joint symposium with APAACI,English session)