Unified Roughness Scattering Model Incorporating Scattering Component Induced by Thickness Fluctuations in Silicon-on-Insulator Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors (Special Issue: Solid State Devices & Materials)
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- Published by the Japan Society of Applied Physics through the Institute of Pure and Applied Physicsの論文
- Influence of High Dielectric Constant in Gate Insulator on Remote Coulomb Scattering due to Gate Impurities in Si MOS Inversion Layer
- Physical Origins of Surface Carrier Density Dependences of Interface- and Remote-Coulomb Scattering Mobility in Si MOS Inversion Layer
- Unified Roughness Scattering Model Incorporating Scattering Component Induced by Thickness Fluctuation in SOI MOSFETs
- Quantitative Understanding of Mobility Degradation in High Effective Electric Field Region in MOSFETs with Ultra-thin Gate Oxides
- Analytical Single-Electron Transistor(SET)Model for Design and Analysis of Realistic SET Circuits
- New Approach to Negative Differential Conductance with High Peak-to-Valley Ratio in Silicon
- Mobility Enhancement of SOI MOSFETs due to Subband Modulation in Ultrathin SOI Films
- Mobility Enhancement of SOI MOSFETs Due to Subband Modulation in Ultra-Thin SOI Films
- Observation of Oxide Thickness Dependent Interface Roughness in Si MOS Structure
- Non-Volatile Doubly Stacked Si Dot Memory with Si Nano-Crystalline Layer