小学校から高等学校までの家庭科教育における学習内容の認識度と教育方法の検討の一考察(第1報) : 「家庭生活と食生活」の学習内容の認識度と教育方法
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Recently,the concept of learning tries to be caught.The homemaking course was taken up as a concrete subject practice case to arrange the discussion over learning,and to clarify the problem requested in an educational methodology today practicing more viewpoint was valued with a theoretical approach,and the consideration of the examination of the education method was done.The homemaking course education is an experience in actual life and a subject that starts forming the operation method ability to the sosial climate pushing.To give the learning effect of this operation ability.1 of which five developmental slages. The elementary school lower classes (first term of a concrete operation)and 2.3 of the elementary school junior high school year(middle term of a concrete operation).It is a school (first term of the abstraction operation).and 5 in four in year of the elementary school infomation useful in the future (concrete operation latter term).The education method corresponding to the high school(abstraction operation latter term)is adopted. A concrete case in the substance effect is taken up in a comprehensible word.Information Instruments such as the video personal computers etc.aiso take as a teaching material.and is experienced though it is one tentative plan of the education method to form the one's living.The necessity of the development of the class attempting the optimization of the learning process of four developmental stages by "Evaluation of teaching material making → experience → learning effect and education effect in the stage of basic → higher-order target → 5" was suggested.
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- 小学校から高等学校までの家庭科教育における学習内容の認識度と教育方法の検討の一考察(第1報) : 「家庭生活と食生活」の学習内容の認識度と教育方法