第19代允恭天皇/皇后・忍坂大中姫命--美しき妹・衣通郎姫への嫉妬に苦しんだ二人の天皇の母 (特集 歴代皇后全伝) -- (特集ワイド 歴代天皇配偶者総覧--系譜・事績・逸話・謎を網羅 神代〜奈良時代)
論文 | ランダム
- Identification and Overexpression of Genes Encoding cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase Catalytic Subunits in Homobasidiomycete Schizophyllum commune
- Elevation of Intracellular cAMP Levels by Dominant Active Heterotrimeric G Protein Alpha Subunits ScGP-A and ScGP-C in Homobasidiomycete, Schizophyllum commune
- Discrimination of Cooked Mochiminori and Koshihikari Rice Grains by Observation of Internal Hollows Using Light Transmittance Photography
- Antigenicity Estimation of Collagenase-Treated Gelatins by a Novel Assay System Using Human Antibodies Secreted by B-Lymphoblastoid Cells
- 各種男性ホルモン投与のラットの胸腺副腎及び性腺の32P摂取度に及ぼす影響