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The study on the relationship between glycemic control and obesity, diabetic complications, and life-style was carried out by questionnaire in 105 diabetic patients. The following results were obtained.The percentage of patients with poor glycemic control was 72.3% in men and 83.7% in women. The incidence of poor glycemic control was higher in women than that in men. The incidence of obesity (BMI ≧ 25) was significantly (p.<0.05) higher in men (38.2%) than that in women (58.2%). The HbAlc level in the diabetic patients with obesity tended to be higher than that in the diabetic patients who were net obese.Complications such as hypertension, which is the most frequent, proteinuria, retinopathy, coronary heart disease and hypercholesterolemia were investigated in the patients of the stuby.The HbA1c values in the diabetic women who always feel restricted budiet therapy was significantly (p.<0.05) higher than those in the diabetic women who do not have such feelings.The diabetic patients tended to overeat when they feel restricted by diet therapy.
- 関東学院大学人間環境学部人間環境学会の論文
関東学院大学人間環境学部人間環境学会 | 論文
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