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英語を通して思考力を深め、内容ある自己を英語で伝えることのできる若者を育てたい。生徒のコミュニケーションの道具としての英語力の不足、自分達の地域社会、国の問題について考えることをしない思考力の不足を感じてきた私のそんな願いをかなえてくれる英語教材がディベートであった。ディベートの教材としての魅力はディベート本番へと至るすべてのプロセスが重要な学習内容を持っており、4技能の育成にかなっているということだ。ディベートはしかし、英語力にしても扱う題材にしてもレベルが高い、難しいというイメージが強い。その抵抗感を和らげ徐々にディベートへと導くため、自分なりの小さな工夫をしながらディベートを授業に導入してきた。その10年間の授業を振り返りつつ、ディベートを終了した時の生徒の感想文から、生徒がディベートから何を学んだと感じているのかを見る時、私の目的はディベートで達成されつつあると信じることができる。Cultivating young people who can not only communicate but also tell their own opinions on social or political issues in English was my objective when I was teaching high school English. I was often bothered by students' lack of English ability to communicate and their lack of positive attitude to think about issues relating to their own community and their own country. Then I found debate was appropriate teaching material to realize my objective. The charm of using debate as a teaching material is that the process itself contains important content to learn and it's suitable for improving all four skills; listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Debate, however, gives the impression that it's difficult to introduce in high school English education because of English level as well as topics. While trying to soften that image, I introduced debate in my English classes. Reviewing the debate classes and the comments of students, I believe that students are learning the importance of telling their own opinion as well as improving their English through the experience of debate.
論文 | ランダム
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