The expansion of the alien mosses Orthodontium lineare and Campylopus introflexus in Britain and continental Europe (Selected Papers Presented at the 15 World Congress on Bryology Held at Merida, Venezuela, January 12-16, 2004)
Hattori Botanical Laboratory | 論文
- The systematic position of Gymnoderma and Cetradonia based on SSU rDNA sequences (Papers to Commemorate the 100th Issue of the Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory) -- (Lichenology)
- Screening of halophilic or salt tolerant lichen mycobionts cultured on sodium chloride enriched media
- Changes in tryptophan synthase activity in the wild type and auxin-sensitive mutants of the moss Funaria hygrometrica Hedw.,accompanying protonema differentation
- Commentary on Phyllodrepanium,with P.falcifolium var.duidense, comb.nov.
- Observations on alga-moss associations