Recalibrating the Flesch Readability Index for the Twenty-first Century
- 東アジアにおける英語教科書の総合的分析研究(「国家戦略」としての外国語教育-そのあるべき姿を求めて-)
- Recalibrating the Flesch Readability Index for the Twenty-first Century
- English Education in South Korea
- A Holistic Approach To Foreign Language Teaching
- English Education in the Malay-Related States (特集 比較という視点)
- A Review of Asian College Admissions Policies--The Cambridge Examinations
- An Overview of American College Admissions Programs
- A Leap of Faith : From the Academic World to the Real World in Three Easy Steps
- Assessing the Adequacy of Language Planning Frameworks
- Beyond the Classroom : Implications of the Reading Difficulty of Texts
- Myths for a wilderness, by Ee Tiang Hong : Personal tragedy, poetic triumph
- Diagnosing Communicative Ability in the Classroom : A holistic approach
- Increasing Instructional Efficiency From Day One : The English Diagnostic Test
- A Survey of Asian College Admissions Policies
- "Message in a Bottle : Paradox, Irony and Parable in the South Seas, 1767-1797"
- Unearthing the Medieval Infrastructure of the Ransom Series (1) : Out of the Silent Planet