視点 アノマリーと投資家行動(8)投資家の売買行動と株価変動
論文 | ランダム
- Academic Profession in China : With a Focus on the Higher Education System (Reports of Changing Academic Profession Project Workshop on Quality, Relevance, and Governance in the Changing Academia : International Perspectives : Changing Academic Profession
- Monitoring of met-enkephalin in vivo with 5-min temporal resolution using microdialysis sampling and capillary liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection
- 薄膜の付着強度
- 116 フラッシュ撮影による焼付き現象の直接観察(GS 潤滑II)
- 113 低粘度弾性流体潤滑における油膜挙動(GS 潤滑I)