インド・グジャラート事件にみるヒンドゥー至上主義と印パ分離の亡霊 (特集 拡大する原理主義勢力と女性たちの抵抗--アフガニスタンと世界の女性たちの声) -- (原理主義はいま--南アジアから北アフリカそしてアメリカ)
論文 | ランダム
- Cytogenetic and molecular-cytogenetic studies of Rett syndrome (RTT) : a retrospective analysis of a Russian cohort of RTT patients (the investigation of 57 girls and three boys)
- Multicolor fluorescent in situ hybridization on post-mortem brain in schizophrenia as an approach for identification of low-level chromosomal aneuploidy in neuropsychiatric diseases
- Molecular-cytogenetic investigation of skewed chromosome X inactivation in Rett syndrome
- FISH analysis of replication and transcription of chromosome X loci : new approach for genetic analysis of Rett syndrome
- The Influences of He Metastable Atoms on Laser Power in Hollow Cathode He-Cd(8067 Å) and He-Zn(7588 Å) Lasers