- 論文の詳細を見る
It was some years ago while the author was revising the genera in the tribe Chrysochroini of the family Buprestidae, especially the heterogeneous Chrysochroa SOLIER, 1833,that he noticed a remarkable convergence among Malayan buprestid beetles. At first, the author recognized the affinity between Chrysochroa purpureiventris H. DEYROLLE, 1864,and Callopistus castelnaudii H. DEYROLLE, 1864,in the coloration and the shape of body. And then, he became aware that some of the other Malayan buprestids belonging to the genera Micropistus, Philocteanus, Iridotaenia and Chrysodema might also be included in this convergent group and finally now comes to the conclusion that this group contains eight species in seven genera. Though not entirely confident, he is inclined to regard this convergent group as a mimetic one. This minetic group contains a total of eight species of seven genera, of which one genus and four species are new to science. In the following lines, the author is going to describe these genera and species to discuss on this mimetic group.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 1982-12-00
黒沢 良彦
Department of Zoology, National Science Museum, Tokyo
黒沢 良彦
Department Of Zoology National Science Museum (natural History)
黒沢 良彦
Department of Zoology, National Science Museum
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