Study of the Side Effects of Long-Term Anticonvulsant Treatment (Proceedings for the 13th Annual Meeting of the Japan Epilepsy Society;The Japanese Branch of League Against Epilepsy) -- (Problems Encountered in Antiepileptic Drug Treatments)
Folia Pub. Society | 論文
- The postmortem changes of pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus of rats
- The metabolic activation of electromyogram.
- Medicosocial Aspect of People with Epilepsy in Japan--A Survey from Standpoint of Epilepsy Center (Proceedings for the 12th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Branch of the International League Against Epilepsy)
- Prognosis of Typical Absence--A Follow-up Study of More Than Three Years (Proceedings for the 11th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Branch of the Inernational League Against Epilepsy) -- (Clinical Reports--Prognosis of Patients with Epilepsy)
- The Long-Term Prognosis of Minor Seizures in Childhood Epilepsy (Prognosis of Epilepsy)