カナダの地域を考える:地域としてのオンタリオ史について〔含 原文〕
つくばカナダ・セミナ-実行委員会 | 論文
- Canada in the"North Atlantic Triangle"at the Turn of the Century:A Reconsideration of the Alaskan Boundary Dispute
- Making Imperial Canadians: The Origin of Empire Day in the Province of Ontario (カナダのナショナリズム)
- The Eclipse of the British Empire in East Asia, the 1920s-the 1950s (カナダと大英帝国)
- Sir Andrew Macphail: Imperialism, National Identity and Ruralism in Early 20th Century Canada (カナダのナショナリズム)
- Pierre Trudeau, Nationalism, and the Constitution Act of 1982 (カナダのナショナリズム)