分子間相互作用とゲル機能 (新春特集 機能性ゲルの新展開)
- Structure Investigation of Metal Ions Clustering in Dehydrated Gel Using X-ray Anomalous Dispersion Effect
- Heat-Induced Evolution of the Mesoscopic Structure of Dehydrated Poly(vinyl alcohol) Gel
- A New Broad Band Probe Covering from ^P-to^Cl-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- Structure Investigation of Metal Ions Clustering in Dehydrated Gel Using X-ray Anomalous Dispersion Effect
- 27pWF-6 DNA・界面活性剤複合体のナノ構造と静電相互作用(生体高分子・高分子溶液・高分子鎖)(領域12)
- 28pZG-4 ゲルの相転移から観た生命 : 多重相転移からフラストレーションの解消へ
- 22pZC-3 電解質水溶液の久保数による分類
- Multinuclear NMR Study on the Sol-Gel Transition of Aqueous κ-and λ-carrageenan Solutions:Selective Site Binding of Group I Cations
- Anomaly in Rotational Diffusion of Photophysical Probe Near Volume Phase Transition of Copoly(Acrylamide-Acrylic Acid) Gels: Steady State and Time-Resolved Fluorescence Study
- Secondary Structure and Side - Chain Chromophore Orientation of Isotactic Poly(methacrylamide)s in Solid Film
- 分子間相互作用とゲル機能 (新春特集 機能性ゲルの新展開)
- Effects of Side-Chain Structure and Solvent on Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding in Isotactic Poly(methacrylamide)s
- Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding in Isotactic Poly(methacrylamide)s and Its Implications for Control of Side-Chain Orientation
- 27aPS-10 ゼラチン・ポリエチレングリコール・水系の相挙動(27aPS 領域12ポスターセッション,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))