A New Approach to Calibrate Color Scanner in EPS
- D4-6 京都とバンコクの都市景観の印象評価とその比較(4:景観と色彩,第37回全国大会要旨集)
- 汚染と変退色における日本人とタイ人との視感評価の比較
- A2-1 光源色における色恒常性の不成立(2:色覚,第37回全国大会要旨集)
- 染色堅牢度に対する視感評価の3国間での比較及び視感評価と計測評価との関係
- z3-1 網膜上の色順応と空間照明への色適応(第36回全国大会要旨集)
- Dependency of Print Mottle Acceptance on Ambient Illumination
- Failure of Color Constancy for High Luminance of a Test Patch that Appears Unnatural as an Object in a Space
- The Brain Adaptation to the Color of Illumination and not the Retinal Adaptation to the Color of Objects that Determines the Color Appearance of an Object in the Space
- Color Appearance Determined by Recognition of Space
- 研究活動紹介 Research Activities at the Department of Imaging and Printing Technology,Chulalongkorn University