- 骨粗鬆症性脊椎骨折による遅発性神経麻痺の病態の検討
- 頚椎後縦靱帯骨化症の骨化進展の推移--主として手術症例における比較検討
- OrgadroneおよびDibucaineの併用による頚部硬膜外注入療法の治療効果
- Experience of the Surgical Treatments for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Frequency of the Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligaments in the cervical Spine in Okinawa
- A Case of Syringomyelia with a Relapsing History in the Dorsal Region
- Postoperative evaluation of the patients with lumbar spinal stenosis
- Follow-up Study of Patients with the Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligaments in the Cervical Spine
- Knodt Distraction Rod Fusion
- Bony Alteration in the Patients with Renal Failure during Dialysis
- Prosthesis Replacement in the Treatment of the Upper End of the Femur
- Intradural Spinal Lipoma A Case Report
- Treatment of Non-union with Only Electrical Stimulation
- タイトル無し