- 言語学と言語史(進藤義治先生追悼号)
- Historical View of the Japanese Language-2-
- Historical View of the Japanese Language-1-
- Historical View of the Japanese Language-3-
- A comparative study of the interrogatives appearing in Portuguese, Kikongo, Konkani and Japanese versions of Christian Doctrine in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries 2
- A comparative study of the interrogatives appearing in Portuguese, kikongo, Konkani and Japanese versions of Christian Doctrine in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries 1
- Late Seventeenth Century Kimbundu described by Father Pedro Dias 2
- Notes A note on the nature of"a" in Konkani
- Late Seventeenth Century Kimbundu described by Father Pedro Dias S. J. (1)
- 学会報告 ブラジル文献学アカデミー主催ポルトガル語研究国際大会研究発表報告
- コンカニ・ポルトガル語辞書二写本の関連についての一考察
- 16世紀ポルトガル語文法書文脈付索引作成報告(続)Barros文法書
- 16世紀ポルトガル語文法書文脈付索引作成報告
- 「17世紀書写コンカニ語・ポルトガル語辞書」タイプ版覚書
- A Brief Account of SEIDAKU(清濁)(Explanatory Notes to"Historical View of the Japanese language"-1-)
- The Orthographical Utopy of Luis Antonio Verney′s Verdadeiro Metodo de Estudar
- Some Aspects of Father Jo〓o Rodriguez′ Portuguese Orthography--Its importance for the understanding of 16th-17th century Christian documents on Japanese
- Portuguese Hyphenation
- The Accentuation of the Novissimo Acordo Ortografico in the light of early Portuguese Treaties