幕末剣術の変質過程に関する研究--とくに田宮流・窪田清音の剣術観を中心として (国分敬治教授,小林知生教授退職記念号)
南山大学 | 論文
- Some Asymmetries among Categories: Why Adjectives Cannot Be Passivized
- PVACC-ING and ACC-ING: A Small-Clause-Based Approach to the Lack of Exceptional Passive in English ACC-ING
- On the Anaphoric Empty Category of the Get-Passive Construction in English
- On the Get-Passive Construction
- Da,Desu,Desho:An Expletive Verb Analysis of Japanese Copula Constructions (南山大学創立50周年記念論文集)