青山 由利
Department Of Bioengineering Faculty Of Engineering Soka University
吉田 雄三
Aoyama Yuri
Department Of Bioinformatics Faculty Of Engineering Soka University
- アゾール化合物による薬物代謝 P450 の阻害機構の解析
- ラットのステロール14-脱メチル化P450遺伝子の解析
- プライマー伸長反応を使用した遺伝子組換え大豆の発色定量法
- ステロール14脱メチル化P450(CYP51)に関する最近の話題
- 哺乳動物の減数分裂促進因子生成に対するP45014DMの関与
- The Construction and Characterization of Self-Sufficient Lanosterol 14-Demethylase Fusion Proteins Consisting of Yeast CYP51 and Its Reductase(Biochemistry)
- Diversozyme P450の進化と多様性
- デテロイド性疾患と抗ステロイド剤
- 路傍の花 : 江上不二夫先生の言葉
- P450モノオキシゲナーゼの多様性 : その生体防御機構としての意義を考える
- ステロール14脱メチル化P450(CYP51)に関する最近の話題
- 薬物代謝におけるP450多様化の功罪
- Diversozyme P450の歴史と展望:なぜ今P450なのか
- P450研究の新しい流れ--第2回微生物と植物のチトクロ-ムP450に関する国際シンポジウム
- 酵母のステロ-ル生合成とP-450 (微生物のチトクロ-ムP-450(ミニレビュ-))
- ミクロゾ-ムの電子伝達系とラノステロ-ルの脱メチル化反応
- チトクロ-ムP-450をめぐる最近の話題
- Effects of Y132H and F145L Substitutions on the Activity, Azole Resistance and Spectral Properties of Candida albicans Sterol 14-Demethylase P450 (CYP51) : A Live Example Showing the Selection of Altered P450 through Interaction with Environmental Compoun
- Gonadotropin-Dependent Expression of Sterol 14-Demethylase P450 (CYP51) in Rat Ovaries and Its Contribution to the Production of a Meiosis-Activating Steroid
- The Amino Acid Residues Affecting the Activity and Azole Susceptibility of Rat CYP51 (Sterol 14-Demethylase P450)
- Insulin Is the Essential Factor Maintaining the Constitutive Expression of Hepatic Sterol 14-Demethylase P450(CYP51)
- Purification and Characterization of Rat Sterol 14-Demethylase P450 (CYP51) Expressed in Escherichia coli
- CYP51-Like Gene of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Actually Encodes a P450 Similar to Eukaryotic CYP51
- Structural and Evolutionary Studies on Sterol 14-Demethylase P450(CYP51), the Most Conserved P450 Monooxygenase: II. Evolutionary Analysis of Protein and Gene Structures
- Structural and Evolutionary Studies on Sterol 14-Demethylase P450(CYP51), the Most Conserved P450 Monooxygenase: I. Structural Analyses of the Gene and Multiple Sizes of mRNA
- Lanosterol 14-Demethylase Activity Expressed in Rat Brain Microsomes^1
- Sterol 14-Demethylase P450 (P45014DM) Is One of the Most Ancient and Conserved P450 Species
- 酵母のステロール生合成とP-450