「原子力と法」保木本一郎〔含 原著者補足〕
論文 | ランダム
- 22aPS-42 GaAs/AlAs超格子におけるTHz放射電場波形の時間原点とブロッホ振動の位相II(22aPS 領域5ポスターセッション,領域5(光物性))
- Qualitative and Quantitative Intracoronary Ultrasound (ICUS) Predictors of In-Stent Restenosis (ISR)
- 20pYF-6 自己形成InAs量子ドット/超伝導接合系における超伝導電流の観測(20pYF 量子ドット,領域4(半導体,メゾスコピック系・局在))
- Treatment Strategy between Coronary Intervention (PCI) and Medical Therapy (MED) for Small Vessel Coronary Artery Disease : Matched Comparison Using Quantitative Coronary Angiography (QCA)
- Comparison of Qualitative and Quantitative Intracoronary Ultrasound (ICUS) Parameters between Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) and Stable Angina Pectoris (SAP)