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I investigate one-dimensiona1, m-states w-neighbours, AsynchronousCellular Automata with fixed boundary.First,the configuration transition re1ation (gloval function)is proved to be recursive1y obtainab1e with respect to the 1engthn of the automaton. Second1y,from the recursive property of thetransition re1ation, we can have a procedure to decide whether agiven configuration is a Garden of Eden or not. The procedureis: (1) For a loca1 mapping of the automaton,a function called byexciting function is determined. (2) For a given 1ength nconfiguration c,we determine va1ues of function T. T is afunction of exciting function. A part of the function isrepresented recursive1y, as Tk(t)=T(k-1)(t') for k=n,n-1,..., 1,wh=re t is substring of t. Here, we ca1cu1ate the logical sum,S(c)=Tn(OO.. .0) + Tn(OO...l) + ... + Tn(ll...l). (3) Then theconfiguration c is a Garden of Eden configuration if and only ifS(c)=O,and it is not so,otherwise.
- 福井大学工学部の論文
- 1986-09-00
福井大学工学部 | 論文
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