- フラップホイ-ルによる木材の研削加工
- Entrapment and transport of foreign material in the spleen and kidney of Japanese conger Conger myriaster
- Well Developed Splenic Ellipsoids in Japanese Conger Conger myriaster
- Production Site of Red Sea Bream Pagrus major Intraperitoneal Free Cells:Morphological Study
- Long-term Cell Culture of Resident Peritoneal Macrophages From Red Sea Bream Pagrus major
- 魚介類の培養細胞を活用した研究
- 低周波振動ドリルによる木材および木質材料の穴あけ加工
- Heterogeneity of Peritoneal Cells in Marine Teleosts
- 低周波振動ドリルによる木材の穴あけ加工に関する研究(第1報)振動および穴あけ加工条件が切削抵抗に及ぼす影響
- 研磨フィルムによる木材の振動研磨加工に関する研究--研磨加工条件が研磨量に及ぼす影響
- Resident Peritoneal Cells of Red Sea Bream Pagrus major
- 低周波振動ドリルによる木材の穴あけ加工
- 木材の縦方向振動切削に関する研究--加工条件が切削抵抗に及ぼす影響〔英文〕
- ダイヤモンド研磨布による木材の研削加工-2-ベルト研削の基本加工特性について
- 低周波複合振動フラップホイ-ルによる木材の研削加工
- ダイヤモンド研磨布による木材の研削加工--研削の基本特性について
- 木材の振動研削に関する研究-9-コンタクトホイ-ル型定圧振動ベルト研削について
- 魚類細胞培養の発展と応用 (新しい組織培養材料とその成果)
- 木材の振動研削に関する研究-8-4角錐状模型単一切れ刃工具による同一方向振動切削について
- ニジマス肝細胞の培養〔英文〕
- 木材の振動研削に関する研究-7-左右方向振動研削におけるドラムサンダの研削抵抗について
- 条例による樹木の保全に関する基礎的研究
- Expression of a Recombinant Molt-Inhibiting Hormone of the Kuruma Prawn Penaeus japonicus in Escherichia coli
- Phosphorus retention efficiency in rainbow trout fed diets with low fish meal and alternative protein ingredients
- Bioavailability and tissue distribution of amino acid-chelated trace elements in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss
- Different combinations of protein ingredients in carp diets for reducing phosphorus loading
- A laboratory-based assessment of phosphorus and nitrogen loading from currently available commercial carp feeds
- Changes of phosphorus absorption from several feed ingredients in rainbow trout during growing stages and effect of extrusion of soybean meal
- Spawning performance of yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata fed dry pellets containing paprika and squid meal
- Effects of dry pellets containing astaxanthin and squid meal on the spawning performance of striped jack Pseudocaranx dentex
- Quality evaluation of different types of non-fish meal diets for yellowtail
- Effect of squid meal in dry pellets on the spawning performance of striped jack Pseudocaranx dentex
- The influence of astaxanthin supplemented dry pellets on spawning of striped jack
- Further clarification of winter energy and protein requirements at the optimum feeding frequency for yellowtail
- Effects of dietary β-carotene on the immune response of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss
- Energy and protein requirements of yellowtail for maximum growth and maintenance of body weight
- Energy and protein requirements for maximum growth and maintenance of bodyweight of yellowtail
- Energy and protein requirements of yellowtail during winter season
- Effect of dietary fish meal levels on environmental phosphorus loading from carp culture
- Total Phosphorus Loading onto the Water Environment from Common Carp Fed Commercial Diets
- A Winter-based Assessment on Energy and Protein Requirements of Yellowtail at the Optimum Feeding Frequency
- Chemical Components of Eggs and Yolksac Larvae Obtained from Striped Jack Broodstock Fed on a Raw Fish Mix or Dry Pellets
- Energy and Protein Requirements of Yellowtail:A Winter-based Assessment at the Optimum Feeding Frequency
- A Trial to Culture Yellowtail with Non-fishmeal Diets
- The First Spawn-taking from Striped Jack Broodstock Fed Soft-dry Pellets
- Molecular Cloning of a Molt-Inhibiting Hormone cDNA from the Kuruma Prawn Penaeus japonicus
- Identification of a novel cuticular protein in the kuruma prawn Penaeus japonicus
- Elevation of the activities of β-N-acetylhexosaminidase isozymes by 20-hydroxyecdysone administration in the kuruma prawn
- Influence of Dietary Phosphorus Levels on Growth and Mineral Availability in Rainbow Trout
- Effect of Vitamin A Levels in Artemia Nauplii on the Caudal Skeleton Formation of Japanese Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus
- A Preliminary Experiment on the Effect of Artemia Enriched with Arachidonic Acid on Survival and Growth of Yellowtail
- Supplemental Effect of Astaxanthin in Broodstock Diets on the Quality of Yellowtail Eggs
- Hypervitaminosis A during Vertebral Morphogenesis in Larval Japanese Flounder
- Effect of Krill Meal Supplementation in Soft-dry Pellets on Spawning and Quality of Egg of Yellowtail
- The Effect of Dietary Carnitine Supplementation on Growth of Rainbow Trout Fingerlings
- A vailability of Phosphorus in Various Phosphates to Carp and Rainbow Trout Determined by a Simple Fractionation Method
- Effect of Dietary Energy Sources on the Utilization of Protein by Colossoma macropomum Fingerlings
- Nutritive Value of Gelatinized Corn Meal as a Carbohydrate Source to Grass Carp and Hybrid Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus×O.aureus
- Feeding of Rainbow Trout with Non-Fish Meal Diets
- Effect of Broodstock Diets on the Chemical Components of Milt and Eggs Produced by Yellowtail
- Digestible Energy:Methodological Influences and a Mode of Calculation
- Digestible Crude Protein Contents in Various Feedstuffs Determined with Four Freshwater Fish Species
- The Osmotic Fragility of Erythrocytes in Rainbow Trout under Different Dietary Fatty Acid Status
- Determination of the Requirement of Larval Striped Jack for Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Docosahexaenoic Acid Using Enriched Artemia Nauplii
- The Effect of β-Carotene and Vitamin A Enriched Artemia Nauplii on the Malformation and Color Abnormality of Larval Japanese Flounder
- Requirements of Larval Yellowtail for Eicosapentaenoic Acid, Docosahexaenoic Acid, and n-3 Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acid
- EPA and DHA Requirements in Early Juvenile Red Sea Bream Using HUFA Enriched Artemia Nauplii
- フラップホィールによる木材の振動研磨
- The First Spawn-taking from Broodstock Yellowtail Cultured with Extruded Dry Pellets