- 典型的な画像所見を呈した急性気腫性胆嚢炎の1例
- 一地域における胃集検の実態と受診者動向
- 直接撮影による地域胃癌検診の現状と問題点
- 23.一職域における総合消化器診断(一般講演,第33回中国四国合同地方会)
- 山口県における胃がん検診の精度に関する検討-とくに偽陰性進行がんを中心に-
- 胃癌死亡率減少効果よりみた職域胃集検
- 災害と消化管出血--災害,とくに交通外傷と消化管出血
- 窒素酸化物吸入による急性肺浮腫の一症例
- 当院〔山口労災病院〕における職域胃集検の現況および精検段階における2〜3の問題点
- 一地域における肝癌 high risk group 検診の現状と問題点
- 肝原発悪性リンパ腫の一例 : 報告例22例の文献的考察を加えて
- The Present Situation and Problems of Gastric Cancer in Rulal Mass Survey Using Direct Photofluorography
- The Present Situation of Gastric Mass Survey in a Model District and Change in the Number of Paticipent Classified by the Method of Cancer Screening
- Endoscopic, Screaning, Esophageal, Cancer, in, Alcholimus, Group
- The Problems and Contermesures of Gastric Mass Survey Judging from the Analysis of Dead Cases by Gastric Cancer in a Model District
- A Mass early screenig for liver cancer among the high risk group in some rulal area.-The third report
- Mass Screening for Esophageal Cancer in High Risk Group Alcoholismus
- The accuracy of work-up examinations in colorectal cancer mass screening in Yamaguchi Prefecture
- Colorectal cancer scleening in Yamaguchi Prefecture for five years (1987-1992)
- The Present Situation and Problems of Mass Survey for Liver Cancer among the High Risk Group in a Rocal Area
- A study on Quality of Gastric Cancer Screening in Yamaguchi Prefecture:A Study focused on False Negative Advanced Gastric Cancer