網膜剥離を伴った両眼性の朝顔症候群の1例 (日本小児眼科学会第1回学術集会<特集-2->)
論文 | ランダム
- Photoisomerization of Persilyl-Substituted Silacyclopropene: Formation of Stable Persilyl-Substituted 1-Silaallene, and Its Reactivity
- Reaction of 1-Disilagermirene with Benzaldehyde: An Unexpected Combination of Cycloaddition and Insertion Pathways
- Synthesis and Structure of Cyclotrigermenium Salt of the Tetrakis {3,5-bis (tri-fluoromethyl) phenyl} borate Anion. A Stable Free Germyl Cation in the Condensed Phase
- 扁平上皮癌への悪性転化を示した甲状腺癌の1例
- 室内塵減感作療法の検討と治療成績