芝居の神髄は「語り」にあり--パルコ「ゴ-ルド家のたそがれ」,文化座「サンダカン八番娼館」,四季「ジ-ザス・クライスト=ス-パ-スタ-」,東京サンシャイン・ボ-イズ「ショウ・マスト・ゴ-・オン」,自転車キンクリ-ツ「トランクス」,黒テント「あちゃらか商人」 (劇評)
論文 | ランダム
- Decline in US stroke mortality : Analysis of temporal patterns by sex, race, and geographic region
- Sex steroids used in hormonal treatment increase vascular procoagulant activity by inducing thrombin receptor (PAR-1) expression : role of the glucocorticoid receptor
- Sex-based differences in early mortality of patients undergoing primary angio-plasty for first acute myocardial infarction
- How to avoid sex : the genetic control of gametophytic apomixis
- The Arabidopsis sex1 mutant is defective in the R1 protein, a general regulator of starch degradation, and not in the chloroplastic hexose transporter