***,今どきのダイエット (特集 感染症と人類の営み--戦いか共存か)
- 赤痢アメーバ症に対する簡易迅速抗体検出システム(Instant AmoebaCHEK)の開発とその評価
- The Lethal Effect of Freezing on Spirurid Nematode Larvae in Firefly Squids, Watasenia scintillans
- No Antibody Production Observed against Cuticle Layer of Brugia pahangi in Naturally Infected Rat : Implication of an Evasive Mechanism against Host Immunity
- Intestinal Parasitic Infections in Native and Residents of Mozambique
- In-vitro Effects of Benzalkonium-ion Intercalated Aluminium Triphosphate on the Second-stage Larvae and Fertilized Eggs of Toxocara canis
- Trichuris muris : The Anthelmintic Effect of Mebendazole in Mice is Dependent upon the Pre-treatment with Steroids
- A Tetrazorium Dye (MTT) Assay for Testing Larval Viability Using Second-Stage Larvae of Toxocara canis
- 寄生虫感染症の免疫診断 特異性の高い診断用抗原の把握がポイント
- ***,今どきのダイエット (特集 感染症と人類の営み--戦いか共存か)
- 中近東 (特集 海外渡航者の診療ガイド--emerging infectious diseaseへの対応) -- (地域別感染症の動向とその予防)