座談会 代数的組合せ論--群論の一つの再生として (群論の再生)
- Modular invariants of the modular data of finite groups (Codes, lattices, vertex operator algebras and finite groups)
- THE DECOMPOSITION OF THE PERMUTATION CHARACTER $1^{GL(2n,q)}_{GL(n,q^2)}$ (Topics in Young Diagrams and Representation Theory)
- D. G. Higmanの組合せ論・群論についての後期の仕事を巡って (有限群・頂点作用素代数と組合せ論)
- Extremal latticesに付随する球面デザインとextremal modular formsのFourier係数のmodulo pの性質について : 小池正夫、篠原雅史、田上真との共同研究 (代数的組合せ論)
- 球の詰め込み問題についての最近の進展 I : Cohn-Elkies-Kumarの仕事の紹介を中心にして (代数的組合せ論)
- 種々のtightデザインの存在・非存在問題について (符号と暗号の代数的数理)
- On the work of Tosiro Tsuzuku (1929-2002) on finite permutation groups (Algebraic Combinatorics)
- モジュラー形式についての考察 : 小池正夫, 宗政昭弘, 関口次郎との共同研究 (代数的組合せ論)
- Type II codes over $\mathbf{F}_2+u\mathbf{F}_2$ and an application to Hermitian modular forms (Algebraic Combinatorics)
- Spherical 5-Designs Obtained from the Unitary Group $U_{2m} (2)$ (Codes, lattices, vertex operator algebras and finite groups)
- Realizability of parameter sets for association schemes in terms of vertex independence problem
- 2-homogeneity and completely regular strongly regular subgraphs: variations of a theorem of K. Nomura by his results (有限群論と代数的組合せ論 RIMS研究集会報告集)
- On Strongly Closed Subgraphs with Diameter Two and $Q$-Polynomial Property (Algebraic Combinatorics)
- Terwilliger Algebras and Substructures of a Distance-Regular Graph (代数的組合せ論 研究集会報告集)
- On balanced sets and related structures (Algebraic Combinatorics)
- Character Products and $Q$-Polynomial Group Association Schemes (Algebraic Combinatorics)
- 座談会 代数的組合せ論--群論の一つの再生として (群論の再生)
- On Strongly Closed Subgraphs of Highly Regular Graphs
- 't-designs' in H(d,q)(Algebraic Combinatorial Theory)
- 多重線型写像の自己同型群と有限群(有限群論 )
- 成分型単純群の分類完成 (有限群論とその周辺)