量子力学における特異性 (物理法則を考える--「自然の摂理」と「人間の思考」)
高橋 実
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Takahashi Miho
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Niigata University
- Next Nearest-Neighbor Correlation Functions of the Spin-1/2 XXZ Chain at Massive Region(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- 29p-PS-73 有機強磁性体p-NPNNの低温物性
- 27p-ZK-2 有機強磁性体г p-NPNNの比熱、磁気的性質
- 27p-ZK-1 有機強磁性体γ p-NPNNの発見
- 純有機ラジカル結晶p-CDpOVの強磁性と一次元量子統計
- 29p-PSB-43 純有機結晶p-CDpOVの低次元強磁性
- 4p-D-6 強磁性ハイゼンベルグ鎖の有限サイズスケーリング関数
- Magnetization Curve and Correlation Function of Haldane Gap Antiferromagnet in Strong Magnetic Field
- 28a-PS-32 一次元等方的量子スピン強磁性体の実験と統計理論
- Magnetic Field Analyses by Using Free Mesh Method and Their Visualization
- 30a-S-6 S=1反強磁性鎖のstring order中のdomain wall
- Anisotropic S=1 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chain in a Magnetic Field
- 磁場中のハルデン磁性体
- 31a-PS-37 擬一次元反強磁性体におけるHaldane Gapの効果
- Formation and Transition of Strangeness=-2 Nuclear Systems
- Formation of a Ξ-Hypernucleus and Transitions to Double-Λ States : Nuclear Physics
- Conversion Widths of Light Ξ Hypernuclear States to Double-Λ Hypernuclear States〔邦文〕
- 低次元系のスピン波
- 4Heに関する量子モンテカルロ法 (計算物理特集号)
- A Plateau in the Magnetization Process of the S=1 Spin Chain
- Long-Ranged Interacting Quantum Spin Chain with Exact Dimer State
- S=3/2 Antiferromagnetic Spin Chain with Bond Alternation
- Exact Dimer State of Quantum Spin Chain with Long-Range Interactions
- Analytical and Numerical Investigations of Spin Chains
- Finite-Size Corrections and Spin Correlations of Magnetized S=1 Anitiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chain
- 量子力学における特異性 (物理法則を考える--「自然の摂理」と「人間の思考」)