レール検測車と総合試験車データの一元管理 (重点記事 特集・第15回軌道工事技術研究発表会)
論文 | ランダム
- 団塊世代の仕事・生活・食事に関する調査
- Prostaglandin E2 (EP1) receptor agonist-induced DNAsynthesis and proliferation in primary cultures of adult rathepatocytes : The involvement of transforming growth factor-α
- Stimulation of DNA synthesis and proliferation by prostaglandins inprimary cultures of adult rat hepatocytes[
- Stimulation by transforming growth factor-a of DNA synthesisand proliferation of adult rat hepatocytes in primary cultures :Modulation by a- and b-adrenoceptor agonists
- Transforming growth factor-b1 inhibits the growth of primary adult rat hepatocyte cultures by increasing cAMPlevels