誌上セミナー まちづくり探訪記(49)石段と坂の町・しまなみ海道・尾道 広島県尾道市
論文 | ランダム
- 熱帯性感染症とワクチン開発の現状とトピックス (第30回日本熱帯医学会総会講演英文抄録) -- (シンポジウム〔英文〕)
- 親鸞の遊び(1) : 中世日本の遊びの研究
- 403 Effect of time interval between a breakfast and a glucose challenge test on the sensitivity of the screening test for abnormal glucose tolerance during pregnancy.
- 402 Possibility of screening for abnormal glucose tolerance during pregnancy before 20 weeks' gestation.
- 270. Investigation of Screening Method for Abnormal Glucose Tolerance during Pregnancy