- 論文の詳細を見る
It is said that the form-genus Trichoderma and its allies include the species antagonistic to the growth of shiitake mushrooms [Lentinus edodes (BERK.) SING.]. It is also said that those species or a limited species of them often darken the chip-spawns (buried log-pieces with inhabiting mycelia of L. edodes, as innocula), and barks as well as surface of sap-woods under barks of bed-logs. Although some Trichoderma strains are considered to inhabit in the darkened portions, usually neither conidial colonies nor stroma of their Hypocrea states is found. The author considered the darkened portion of shiitake bed-logs as an appropriate material to search for a method to isolate Trichoderma strains and identify them at the species level. Three samples of the darkened portion from different bed-logs were collected from the Izu Peninsula, central Japan, and strains of Trichoderma or its allies were tried to isolate from them. Seven strains were isolated from the three samples. The isolated strains were compared with the strains cultured from already-identified Hypocrea species to identify them at the species level. As a result, the anamorphs of Hypocrea nigricans (IMAI) DOI and H. muroiana HINO et KATSUMOTO were found from all the samples. The other two strains were isolated from only one sample. They were not identified at the species level at present, but they were identified as Trichoderma hamatum (BON.) BAIN. aggr., and T. harzianum RIFAI agger., respectively, after RIFAI's classification of the genus Trichoderma. Discussions are also made on an isolation method of Trichoderma and its allies from a substrate without missing any different strains, and a method to identify Trichoderma strains at the species level.
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