大腸癌組織におけるインターロイキン-6, E-カドヘリン, ICAM-1, シアリル-Le^xの発現の意義(Symposium II. 癌転移の発生機序とその制御)
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The expression of Interleukin-6, E-cadherin, ICAM-1 and Sialyl lewis X in primary and metastatic liver lesions of human colorectal cancer were immnohistochemically analyzed in 17 cases including 10 without liver metastasis, 7 with synchronous liver metastasis. The expression of Interleukin-6 was observed in 4 cases (57.1%) in primary lesion with synchronous liver metastasis, although only 1 case (10%) without liver metastasis. The rate of Interleukin-6 expression with synchronous liver metastasis was significantly higher than that without liver metastasis. (P < 0.05) The rate of the decrease of E-cadherin expression with nodes positive cases, 62.5% was significantly higher than with nodes negative. (11.1%) (P < 0.05) There were no statistically significant relationship between the expression of IL-6 and E-CD or ICAM-1 or Sialyl lewis X in primary lesion. The results suggested that Interleuking-6 may play an important role in the development of liver metastasis.
- 1993-09-10
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