Zero-dark-counting high-speed X-ray photon detection using a cerium-doped yttrium aluminum perovskite crystal and a small photomultiplier tube and its application to gadolinium imaging
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- Institute of Physicsの論文
- 2014-03-07
- An Unusual Perforation of the Colon : Report of Two Cases
- Impaction of a Shrapnel Splinter in the Common Bile Duct After Migrating from the Right Thoracic Cavity : Report of a Case
- Development of an Off-axis Sample Introduction System for Use in Multiphoton Ionization/Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry
- Gas Chromatography/Multiphoton Ionization/Mass Spectrometry of Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans Using Nanosecond and Femtosecond Lasers
- Development of a multi-layered virtual tooth model for the haptic dental training system
- Ruptured Aneurysm of the Visceral Artery : Report of Two Cases
- Ligamentum Flavum Hematoma in the Lumbar Spine : Case Report
- Multiple Vertebral Metastases from Malignant Cardiac Pheochromocytoma
- Case of clear cell ependymoma of medulla oblongata : Clinicopathological and immunohistochemical study with literature review
- Eradication and reinfection of human papillomavirus after photodynamic therapy for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
- Ovarian malignant mixed mesodermal tumor producing the free form of the β-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin
- Induction of apoptosis and manganese superoxide dismutase gene by photodynamic therapy in cervical carcinoma cell lines
- Intradiploic Arachnoid Cyst Identified by Diffusion- Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Gastric Necrosis After an Infarction of the Spleen : Report of a Case
- Attenuated Familial Adenomatous Polyposis Associated with Advanced Rectal Cancer in a 16-Year-Old Boy : Report of a Case
- Small-Cell Carcinoma of the Gallbladder : Report of a Case
- Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma with Extensive Sarcomatous Change: Report of a Case
- Spinal Epidural Granulocytic Sarcoma in a Child Precedent to Clinical Manifestation of Acute Myeloid Lymphoma : Case Report
- Spinal Surgery in Nepal : A Brief Introduction
- Comparative study on novel endoluminal ultrasonography and conventional transurethral ultrasonography in staging of bladder cancer
- Penetrating Injury of the Upper Cervical Spine by a Chopstick : Case Report
- Simultaneous Cranial and Spinal Subdural Hematoma : Case Report
- Comparison of 4MV photon surface dose among Varian, Siemens, and Elekta linear accelerators for tangential breast treatment : a phantom study
- Synthesis of HIV Protease Dipeptide Inhibitors and Prodrugs
- Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Diverticulectomy of the Midesophagus
- Cryptococcus arboriformis Sp. Nov., a Novel Anamorphic Basidiomycetous Yeast Species Isolated from a Patient's Urine
- Expanded-Bed Protein Refolding Using a Solid-Phase Artificial Chaperone
- Monitoring of the Refolding Process for Immobilized Firefly Luciferase with a Biosensor Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance
- Synergistic effects of detergents and organic solvents on protein refolding: Control of aggregation and folding rates(ENZYMOLOGY, PROTEIN ENGINEERING, AND ENZYME TECHNOLOGY)
- EP-P33 Development of small molecular additives for protein refolding and proteomics technology(Section VII Enzyme and Protein Engineering)
- Study of a rat model for calcium oxalate crystal formation without severe renal damage in selected conditions
- Calcium oxalate monohydrate crystal binding substance produced from Madin-Darby canine kidney cells
- OJ-059 Plasma Heparin Cofactor II Activity Predicts Cardio-and Cerebrovascular Events in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease(Preventive medicine/Epidemiology/Education-2 (H) OJ10,Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting
- Conducting Polymer-coated Electrode as a Reference/Counter Electrode in an Organic Phase and Its Application to a Two-electrode Type Thin-layer Cell for Voltammetry at the Liquid | Liquid Interface
- Fournier gangrene associated with hyper IgE syndrome (Job syndrome)
- Improvement of stone comminution by slow delivery rate of shock waves in extracorporeal lithotripsy
- Development of a multi-layered virtual tooth model for the haptic dental training system
- Solitary Fibrous Tumors of the Pleura: Report of Two Cases Resected by Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery
- Lateral Buttock Congenital Dermal Sinus Tract : Case Report
- Utility of Direct Stimulation of Roots in Spinal Surgery
- Synthesis and Insecticidal Activity of Lignan Analogs (1)(Pesticide Chemistry)
- Identification of bikunin isolated from human urine inhibits calcium oxalate crystal growth and its localization in the kidneys
- Comparison of MRI-based assessment systems for osteoarthritic knees : the irregularity index system and WORMS
- A New Nonlinear Integrator with Positive Phase Shifts
- Editorial comment
- Vertically Y-Branched Mode Splitter/Combiner for Intraboard Chip-to-Chip Optical Interconnection with Wavelength-Division Multiplexing
- Development of three-dimensional patient face model that enables real-time collision detection and cutting operation for a dental simulator
- Molecular recognition moiety and its target biomolecule interact in switching enzyme activity(ENZYMOLOGY, PROTEIN ENGINEERING, AND ENZYME TECHNOLOGY)
- Surgical Improvement of Speech Disorder Caused by Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
- Intracellular protein cyclization catalyzed by exogenously transduced Streptococcus pyogenes sortase A(ENZYMOLOGY, PROTEIN ENGINEERING, AND ENZYME TECHNOLOGY)
- Effect of length of molecular recognition moiety on enzymatic activity switching(ENZYMOLOGY, PROTEIN ENGINEERING, AND ENZYME TECHNOLOGY)
- Molecular recognition moiety and its target biomolecule interact in switching enzyme activity
- Zero-dark-counting high-speed X-ray photon detection using a cerium-doped yttrium aluminum perovskite crystal and a small photomultiplier tube and its application to gadolinium imaging