Optical Study of Electronic Structure of Graphite
- 論文の詳細を見る
Reflectance spectra of pyrolytic graphite are measured in the range 0.13 to 0.006 eV. The results are analyzed by a Kramers-Kronig relation to determine the complex dielectric constant $\epsilon(\omega){=}\epsilon_{1}+i\epsilon_{2}$ and energy loss function. Structures in $\epsilon_{2}$ are all identified with interband transitions between the doubly degenerate levels at the points $K$ and $H$ of the Brillouin zone split by the effect of spin-orbit interaction. From the above fact, the strength of the coupling $\lambda$ and the band parameter $\Delta$ are estimated as 0.004 eV (at the point $K$) or 0.0023 eV (at the point $H$) and -0.016 eV, respectively. Two peaks observed in -Im $\epsilon^{-1}$ are interpreted as plasma frequencies of free electrons at the Fermi surface perpendicular and parallel to the crystallographic $c$ axis.
- Physical Society of Japanの論文
- 1968-03-05
Sato Yoshiki
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Sato Yoshiki
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai, Ibaragi
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