Quasi-Particle Density of States of Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model
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The density of states (DOS) of the two-dimensional Hubbardmodel is calculated in second-order perturbation with respect to theon-site Coulomb interaction U. The direct analytic continuationformula is presented to calculate the self-energy on thereal-frequency axis. The momentum as well as the energy integral inthe self-energy is seriously carried out with use of theFast-Fourier-Transformation algorithm. Near the half-filling, theimaginary part of the self-energy becomes proportional to the energyin the vicinity of the Fermi level in our weak-couplingcalculation. In the interacting case, the van Hove singularity (VHS)in DOS is smeared by the self-energy effect, but there still exists asharp peak structure due to VHS.
- 1995-08-15
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