Annealing Behavior of Light Scattering Tomography Defect in the Denuded Zone of Si Wafers
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Light scattering tomography defects (LSTDs) have been non-destructively detected in bulk and near the surface of a Si wafer by Brewster angle illumination of infrared light scattering tomography (IR-LST). We investigated the annealing behavior of grown-in LSTDs that exist in a layer of 0 to about 20 µm depth from the wafer surface. Grown-in LSTDs were detected before annealing. Annealing behavior of such grown-in LSTDs was studied by the three-step annealing to form the denuded zone (DZ) of about 40 µm. As a result, the LSTDs mostly remained in the DZ after the three-step annealing. However, the change in the scattering intensity of the grown-in LSTDs was detected. This change suggests that the volume and/or structure was changed by the annealing treatment.
- 1999-03-15
論文 | ランダム
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